Time to Look in the Mirror
Sheltered Harbor is the industry’s consortium dedicated to enhancing resiliency in financial services. As a community we have been collaborating on how to survive a devastating outage for almost a decade.
We defined a solid set of data protection and recovery standards that enable an organization’s survival from a devastating operational outage.
We've learned a lifetime's worth of good lessons on what works. One of these lessons is that becoming resilient is a journey that requires preparation.
There is no magic pill or wiz-bang technology that we can buy to survive an outage that takes out all operational systems. But there is a progression of capabilities to prepare to survive such a situation.
No organization should assume that it can survive, you should know for certain. The first step is a simple self-assessment, a look in mirror, to determine if your organization truly is prepared to survive a devastating cyber outage. Looking in the mirror can be tough, but it is vital.
The Sheltered Harbor Maturity Model for Recovery from a Severe Outage
is a self-assessment tool that you can get for free. It has the benefit of years of industry discussions and input; dozens of planning guides and specifications; countless exercises; and scores of certifications earned by institutions of all sizes.
Freely Available for Use by Anyone
The Maturity Model can help your organization prepare to survive a sudden severe operational outage. You can identify gaps, and plan necessary improvements through four stages of preparedness, to improve your organization’s resilience posture.
Financial institutions can join Sheltered Harbor to get dozens of detailed industry-developed guides and best practice recommendations to expedite your progress toward resilience and satisfy regulatory requirements.
Non-financial organizations can also use the self-assessment tool to get a better understanding of where they stand and may want to use it to benchmark the progress of their own efforts to plan for quick recovery of critical services. Sheltered Harbor offers no additional support to non-financial organizations, but you can leverage the Sheltered Harbor Alliance Partners to get prepared and accelerate your journey to resilience now.